Diana Kelly Levey

How Omega-3s Can Keep Your Pet’s Hips and Joints Healthy

A dog running in the snow.

December 3, 2019 | Categories:

Although all dog breeds can develop osteoarthritis as they age, your beloved pooch might be more prone to joint issues and pain if she’s over a year old, and particularly if she’s a larger breed. Cats can also develop this degenerative disease, although it’s more common in older felines. Some early signs of this chronic condition could surface in your pet as limping, hobbling or inactivity. (Learn how omega-3s can improve your pet’s physical and mental health.)

Having healthy joints will ensure your dog or cat can keep up during play sessions, and your dog can go on walks and jogs with you for years to come.

What You Can Do To Keep Your Cat’s or Dog’s Hips and Joints Healthy

What Does Osteoarthritis Look Like in Pets?

It’s said that nearly one in four dogs have osteoarthritis (OA), although large-breed dogs tend to develop more severe signs and symptoms earlier than smaller-breed dogs.

If your dog is suffering from this chronic joint disease it means they’ve lost joint cartilage, which leads to a thicker joint capsule and new bone formation resulting in limb dysfunction and pain, according to the American College of Veterinary Surgeons. This painful condition can cause your dog to lose interest in playtime and activity, a change in his or her gait or jumping, as well as signs of aggression due to their discomfort and pain. When a cat has OA, it can be harder to tell—they might show changes in gait or not jump as much as they used to.

Fortunately, glucosamine and chondroitin are known to help maintain healthy hips and joints, and can be used to help treat osteoarthritis symptoms in both dogs and cats.

Glucosamine and Joint Health

You’ve probably heard about glucosamine and joint health, especially when humans experience joint pain or stiffness. It works for your dog, too!

  • What is glucosamine? Glucosamine hydrochloride (GHI) helps regulate the synthesis of collagen (protein molecules made up of amino acids) in the joint’s cartilage and it has anti-inflammatory effects on the affected area.
  • How is glucosamine administered? Your pet can get GHI through an oral supplement or their food, nourishing their cartilage production through a healthy diet.

Read the full article on Merrick Pet Care.

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